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University of South Carolina Loves Ankleaid! July 17 2017

The Ankleaid is the perfect ice bath for universities to have in their athletic departments to treat ankles.  And, if you have several of them on-hand, you can treat multiple athletes at the same time. Plus it's portable so the athlete can take it home for treatment, which is critical to ice multiple times throughout the first 72 hours of an acute injury.

Here's what John J. Kasic MS ATC Cped, Associate AD/Sports Medicine at the University of South Carolina/Gamecocks Sports Medicine Department, has to say:

"I wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much our athletes and staff appreciate the Ankleaid. It works beautifully in getting the ankle and foot area iced while keeping the toes out of the frigid temperatures! We also use it for elbows pretty effectively.  Every athletic training room has a few and they get used every day. Thank you again for bringing this tool to our attention. We’ll be ordering more soon."


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